developer jobs for women in tech

Developer Jobs for Women in Tech

in Advice & Guides, Career, Skills Sector

A recent survey revealed that just 11% of developers are women. The job has one of the biggest gender gaps in the tech industry, yet developer skills are in high demand, especially in light of the recent pandemic as more and more companies and organisations rely upon remote operations and the strength of their websites […]

remote jobs for women

3 Top Tips for Finding Remote Jobs for Women in Tech

in Advice & Guides, Career

Remote work is becoming much more valuable than just a good work perk. For many people such as working parents and people who live further away from big towns and cities, remote work is being realised as the solution to a successful work-life balance and choosing to go freelance is unlocking freedoms a more traditional […]

women in project management

Women in Project Management

in Advice & Guides, Career, Skills Sector

The job of a project manager is to facilitate and support all stages of a project. Starting with initial planning stages then progressing to execution and then on to the monitoring and regulating on the project once it’s in its later, established stages of completion. Project management is an exciting and varied career choice and […]

women in AI

The Future is Female: Opportunities for Women in AI

in Advice & Guides, Career, Skills Sector

The global pandemic has had a varying impact on different tech sectors, but for Artificial Intelligence, the demand for more experts and professionals in the industry is expected to boom. In fact, according to recent research, the AI jobs market is expected to see a growth of up to 16% in the next year. As […]

role model for women in tech

Amanda Cavallaro: A Role Model for Women in Tech

in Advice & Guides, Career, Interviews

Amanda Cavallaro: A Role Model for Women in Tech Amanda Cavallaro is a driving force for change for the future of women in the technology sector. Passionate about increasing female representation in tech, highly skilled, and an experienced developer she has inspired and continues to inspire many women wanting to pursue a career in tech. […]

5 benefits of returnships

4 Benefits of Returnships for UK Businesses

in Advice & Guides, Career

Returnships are effectively high level internship programmes that enable people returning to work following a career break to get back into their senior roles, ensuring their existing skills are up-to-date and improved before they fully immerse themselves back into their careers. They have only been a concept in UK businesses for around 6 years so […]

Why tech companies may struggle with retaining women in tech

in Advice & Guides, Career

In the tech industry, women hold less than a fifth of technical roles and are 45% more likely to leave the field than men. There are many reasons why women re think their careers within the tech industry, so what are companies doing to help with retaining women in tech and why are they struggling […]

mums working from home in IT

Mums Working from Home in IT

in Advice & Guides, Career

If you have recently had a baby and are worrying about how you will return to tech and the working environment, then perhaps working from home may be an option for you. There are a number of mums working from home in IT, so you will not be the only one who is in your […]



in Advice & Guides, Career

A mentorship is a relationship between a knowledgeable or experienced person and a less experienced person, perhaps just starting out in their career. The mentor could be either younger or older than the person being mentored, but the mentor must have an area of expertise. Mentors are helpful because they have a network of business […]

Benefits of Gender Diversity

in Advice & Guides, Career

Gender diversity is crucial to any workplace. It is already known that the tech industry only has 19% of roles are filled by women, so it is clear that the industry needs to improve on gender diversity. Tackling gender diversity will hopefully break industry stereotypes, identify the importance of female role models, encourage more girls […]