Top 10 Employers for Women in Tech

in Advice & Guides, Career

When you are looking for a new job, you look to see what benefits or packages a company can offer you because as a woman it can be difficult to balance your work and personal life, especially when you are faced with big changes and challenges. Being deemed as a male dominated sector, it can […]

Employ and Retain Women in the Tech Industry

in Career

When it comes to the UK tech industry, the balance still tilts in favour of guys. Young women are still under-represented in the uptake of digital qualifications and according to government research* only 17 per cent of women make up the tech workforce. So why should companies care about hiring women? Creating an equal male/female […]

Unconscious Bias and Gender Stereotypes in STEM

in Career

Gender imbalance in the workplace and, most of all in the STEM sectors, has been highlighted following the 2017 UK Government’s introduction of the reporting of pay gap data. The data has shown further evidence that women’s representation in the tech industries remains very low. For example, in March 2018, Microsoft, one of the biggest […]

Life as Head of Technology at Sky

in Career

Natasha Sayce-Zelem Head of Technology (Digital Service) at Sky, was a proper computer game geek as a kid. So you would assume she would end up in a career in gaming or coding, right? This would have been the case had there been more information about getting into computing at school and dedicated computing classes […]

Top tips on how women can press for progress in their workplace

in Career

Advice by Peninsula Head of Advisory Kate Palmer There is no denying that there is an increasing focus on equality and women’s rights in the workplace. Business issues keep making the headlines, from dress codes requiring women to wear high heels or allegations of sexual harassment, leading to a reminder that further steps can be […]

iceland gender pay

Iceland become the first country to make equal pay legal

in Advice & Guides, Career

As of 1st January 2018, Iceland passed new legalisation to become the first country in the world where companies have to legally prove they are not paying differently due to gender. This means that all public employers with over 25 staff have to obtain government certification of their equal pay policies or they will face […]

women in tech

Gender Discrimination Is Hindering Tech Industry growth

in Advice & Guides, Career

Sopra Banking Software uncover why it is that men still dominate senior positions in Tech and why men are out-earning women, even in equal positions. The UK gender pay gap won’t close until 2069 unless measures are taken to combat it now. That’s another 53 years that women will continue to pay a higher price […]

women in tech

St Andrews female graduate is Young Software Engineer of the Year

in Career

Gala Malbasic who graduated from the University of St Andrews in the summer has been named Young Software Engineer of the Year 2017. The Young Software Engineer of the Year Awards are given to the best undergraduate software projects, drawn from across all students studying computing science and software engineering in Scotland. Gala won first […]

Teen writes children’s book to encourage young girls to learn to code

in Career

Sasha Ariel Alston is a 19-year-old college student at Pace University studying information systems and marketing. When she found her love for coding she noticed there weren’t many girls, especially of colour, that shared her love for the topic. Because of this, she decided to write a children’s book- Sasha Savvy Loves to Code. Sasha […]

6 Things A Woman In Tech Should Know

in Advice & Guides, Career

Chloe Sumsion studied computer science for four years in college and has worked as a software engineer at Lucid Software for almost two years. Chloe shares below a few words of wisdom for women in tech or those wanting to join the sector.   Don’t Let the Fact That You’re a Minority Trip You Up […]