
Case Studies

Onfido – Zoe Caudroy, Security Analyst

We interviewed Zoe Caudroy, Security Analyst at Onfido on her experience and thoughts on women in tech.


  1. What does your job role involve?

I am a security analyst at Onfido and my main role is to uncover the weaknesses of the infrastructure and find a creative ways to protect it.


  1. What made you choose a career in technology?

I admit that I always thought to study a computer course as soon as I could.

Firstly, I’ve always had computers since I was very young, and also during my college years, I was working very closely with computers. I had my first computer at 8 years old and I wanted to develop games that people would like to play as I liked to play them. Finally, after working in this field, I realized that developing games was just a passion and I did not want to do it every day. Thanks to my curiosity and passion for new technologies, I decided to switch to the network and security world.


  1. Did you study an IT or technology related subject at A-Level or University?

Actually I have two master degrees.

I have graduated from Paris in an engineering school, a first engineering degree which specialized in Network and security.

I also graduated a second time at UCI(university of California, Irvine) in International project management.


  1. Did you get any work experience in IT or technology before this role?

Yes a few roles:

  • Security system engineer for the French national cyber security agency in Paris, France

I was in charge to harden their information systems.

  • Security engineer for NAGRA Kudelski Security based in Lausanne, Switzerland but I was located in Madrid, Spain.

I was in charge to harden their information systems.

  • Cloud Security Engineer for Decathlon International, sport retailer in France.

I was in charge of the security architecture for the cloud infrastructure.

And finally i decided to join Onfido in london to continue my security adventure in this wonderful place.


  1. Do you think there is a lack of females in the IT and tech sector?

Definitely YES! It is sad, I wish one day to have female co-workers.

The maximum number of women co-workers in my team is 1.


  1. Do you find there is a stereotype that a career in IT or technology is just for men?

Looking back at history, the lack of women into tech is nothing about their ability but it is about stereotypes and prejudices against women in certain companies.

I also had some reasons of my own to doubt and quit a company due to the stereotypes that men had about my abilities as a woman to complete technical projects. My attitude is just to not listen to them and to give your best. With time things will change thanks to a great companies such as Onfido that are taking care of women in tech by ensuring a good environment for everyone.


  1. What would entice women to study technology related courses?

I encourage universities to involve more girls by maybe inviting women in tech that can explain their career path and experiences.


  1. How could we encourage more women to start a career in tech?

Fortunately today companies like Onfido are changing history and ensuring that doors are open for women in the tech industry.


Just like female software engineers at contract renewal, a digital transformation company is helping to close IT’s gender pay gap (now standing at 43% in the UK).

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